Friday, October 15, 2010

I think I know why Al Qaeda wants us all dead... Lady Gaga

I had the misfortune of watching an entire news segment on Lady Gaga this morning. She was even a topic on my favorite radio talkshow, Bob and Tom, that I was listening to while driving home from dropping Camron (the boyfriend) off at work. She wore a dress resembling meat to a music awards show? What. The. Fuck? Another funny thing real quick: how would you like to live on a street named "Cream Bush" haha... there's a neighborhood over where Cam's working this week called freaking Cream Bush. So anyway, I'm going to make some breakfast and take Zoie on an early morning walk around our crappy neighborhood lol. You know a couple weeks ago someone blew up my neighbors van-- Camron is convinced it was a mobile meth-lab (like an ice cream truck but for tweekers) that must've combusted on it's own, so it's debatable. I swear it wasn’t like this when we moved over here but within a year all the crack heads have really come out of the woodwork. Soon enough we’ll be out of here though! Class is going well these days. I’m writing a piece on human interaction vs. technology in English; I’ll post it to my blog later today. I finally got all the pictures off my camera and up onto my page so feel free to spy on them. It’s my Dad’s birthday today. Oh! I didn’t have to change a single diaper yesterday; Zoie woke up yesterday morning with a completely dry diaper even after sleeping all night, and she wore panties all day with no accidents! She is doing so well with potty training I feel like I’m on vacation or something. I’m taking her to the Halloween Boutique this afternoon; I think she wants to be either a fairy or a robot. I have no idea what I’m going to be this year! My costume last year was pretty much the coolest so I don’t know how I’m going to compete. Camron and I took the kids to Petco the other day and picked up some new fishies—we got one of those black ones with the puffy eyes and a cute fan-finned goldfish. We named them Joy and Darnell and if you get why that’s funny then you can call me Earl. Until next time~

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like Lady Gaga. Kind of. I like her music. And she's too weird for me NOT to be interested in the weird things she does. Did that make any sense? And also, were these fishies there when I came to visit? I don't remember seeing them.
